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About the Plan
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Parks, recreation and trails play an important role within the Township of Georgian Bluffs and help shape the lives of our communities. To provide direction for these important community assets over the next ten years, the Township of Georgian Bluffs is preparing a Recreation and Trails Master Plan.
This is the first document of its kind since amalgamation and will engage residents across Georgian Bluffs to help Council and Staff identify community needs along with ways to provide facilities and services in a cost-effective manner.
The Master Plan is being prepared by Monteith Brown Planning Consultants who have over 40 years of experience in the parks, recreation and trails sector. Monteith Brown has developed similar master plans and studies across Ontario, and specifically in Grey-Bruce communities such as South Bruce Peninsula, North Bruce Peninsula, Saugeen Shores, The Blue Mountains and Owen Sound.
View Recreation and Trails Master Plan
About the Process
The initial Draft Recreation and Trails Master Plan was presented to Council at their February 19, 2020 Council meeting.
To view the presentation provided at the February 19, 2020 Council meeting, click here.
A public open house were held on March 12, 2020 at Shallow Lake Arena for he public to view and discuss.
Moneith Brown Planning Consultants presented their second presentation to Council on July 9, 2020 as an overview of the process and items to consider. To view the presentation, click here.