Contact Us
Welcome to Georgian Bluffs! The Township of Georgian Bluffs is a welcoming and supportive community. Below you will find four detailed Welcome Packages with important information about your new home and community.
The package includes important topics such as garbage pick-up, things to do, schools, transportation and much more! This information is available in English, French, Ukrainian and Arabic. Ukrainian and Arabic are among the top requested languages for translation services at Grey Bruce Settlement and Language Services.
If you require a different language version, please reach out by calling the Township at 519-376-2729 or drop by the Administration Building at 177964 Grey Road 18, RR3 Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5N5. The Welcome Packages can be downloaded by clicking on the desired PDF below, with hard copies also available for pick-up at the Township Administration Building.
- Welcome Package - English
- Welcome Package - French
- Welcome Package - Arabic
- Welcome Package - Ukrainian
Georgian Bluffs is a member of the Grey Bruce Local Immigration Partnership or GBLIP, striving to build stronger communities through awareness, outreach, inclusion and equity to ensure immigrants and newcomers become welcome neighbours throughout Grey and Bruce Counties. GBLIP works in collaboration with service-based organizations to ensure that new residents thrive and enhance the vibrant, diverse and colourful landscapes they now call home. To find out more about GBLIP, including latest news and events, an interactive map with local settlement services and other helpful resources visit the Grey Bruce Local Immigration Partnership website at
Welcome to the beautiful Bluffs, we’re so happy you’re here!