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The Township of Georgian Bluffs and Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library are partnering to introduce a library vending machine at the Shallow Lake Arena, and we want to hear from you.
The book and DVD vending machine kiosk will be installed at the arena in January 2024, allowing visitors to check out materials with their library card. Materials can then be returned to the kiosk at the end of your visit, or taken home and returned later at the arena or the Library.
To ensure the kiosk is stocked with content tailored to community preferences, the Township is inviting residents to participate in a brief survey. Your feedback on your favorite book genres and authors will support us in curating a diverse collection of books that will cater to the tastes of the community. To take part and share your preferences, please visit
The collaboration between the Township of Georgian Bluffs and Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library represents a significant step in enhancing library services, making them more accessible and convenient for the entire community.
For more information about the upcoming kiosk installation at the Shallow Lake Arena and to stay updated on related programs, visit or contact 519-376-6623.