Contact Us
In addition to providing administrative and procedural services to Council and Committees of Council, the Clerk's Department is responsible for a wide array of services, as outlined below.
To review Council and Committee agendas and minutes, visit our Agendas and Minutes webpage.
All Council and Committee meetings are now livestreamed to the Township YouTube channel. Click here to watch and stream meetings.
Elections |
The Municipal Election was held on October 24, 2022. |
Accessibility |
Township of Georgian Bluffs is committed to providing municipal policies, services, programs and facilities that are accessible to residents, ratepayers and visitors of all abilities. The Township is required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 to maintain accessibility standards within the Township. |
Accountability and Transparency | ||||||||
Accountability, transparency and openness are standards of good government that enhance public trust. These principles apply to the political process, decision-making and to the administrative management of the municipality. |
Commissioner of Oaths |
The person(s) swearing the affidavit must appear before the Commissioner with photo identification (drivers licence), including a signature. A fee of $10.00 is required for commissioning services. The Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Treasurer, and Deputy Treasurer for the Township are, by virtue of office, commissioners for taking affidavits. It is recommended that you contact the Township at 519-376-2729 to arrange an appointment. |
Township Licensing | ||||||||
The Township issues various licensing programs, further to regulating By-laws as enacted by Council. Said licences include:
To inquire and/or obtain any of the licences as listed above, please contact the Clerk's Department at |
Lottery Licensing | ||||||||
The Clerk's Department is responsible for receiving, reviewing and issuing Lottery Licences in accordance with the Alcohol and Gaming Commission Ontario.
Municipal Freedom of Information |
You can request information kept by the Township of Georgian Bluffs, as per the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).
Livestock Claims |
You may be eligible to receive compensation if your livestock, poultry or honeybees were damaged by wildlife. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food administers The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. To make a claim, contact one of our Municipal Livestock Valuers: Brad Ironmonger - 519-374-4719 Luke VanSligtenhorst - 519-377-3027 A Livestock Valuer will make a site visit and complete the necessary forms. The Livestock Valuer will submit the application, including photos and supporting documents, to the Ministry within 10 business days of your first contact with the Municipality. For more information, visit the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program on the Ministry of Agriculture and Food website. Increasing Deadstock Capacity Initiative The purpose of the Increasing Deadstock Capacity Initiative is to provide funding support for deadstock management in Ontario. A detailed description of the initiative’s guidelines can be found: Increasing Deadstock Capacity Initiative Guidelines. A list of eligible applicants are noted on Page 3 and 4 of the guideline. The Township is ineligible for the program. However, eligible applicants in the Township would include existing deadstock providers (broker, carrier, collector, disposal facility etc.), commodity associations (county federations of agriculture, accredited farm organizations, live animal, red meat, or other animal product organizations), and waste management companies (including Waste Management of Canada). |
Bounties |
The beaver bounty program is administered and paid for by the County. Trappers receive $25.00 per beaver and must bring the tails to the Township Administration Office for notching. The Township Clerk will then sign and forward the paperwork to the County. Click here to view the Beaver Claim Form. To apply to trap coyote, complete the Coyote or Wolf Compensation Claim Form and submit it to the Clerk at It includes steps to be completed by the stockowner, the Livestock Evaluator, the licensed hunter/trapper, the Township, and Grey County. Click here to view the Coyote or Wolf Compensation Claim Form. Resources: |
Animal Control |
The Clerk's office administers the animal control contract for Georgian Bluffs with Owen Sound Animal Shelter. Contact Information for the Animal Shelter: Renee or Todd RobbinsOwen Sound/Georgian Bluffs Animal Control2125 18th Avenue EastOwen Sound, ON N4K 1W8Phone: 519-372-1123Pager: 519-373-5721 (after 10pm emergencies only please)Email |